Friday, April 11, 2008

Last Minute Decisions

Recently, I’ve been dealing with a lot of last minute cancellation stuff. It’s kind of annoying. Especially, when you’re getting ready to depart for the “Happiest Place on Earth,” and the person you were supposed to go with, decides they aren’t going to go anymore. Sad times! So, this got me thinking about last minute decisions. Some can be good, some can be bad. Say, you’re at church and service just got over. People are hungry. So a decision is made to go out for lunch. That’s a great last minute decision, because you always have fun when you’re eating! And then I thought about possibly the worst last minute decision anyone can make. And that is, waiting…and waiting…and waiting to become a Christian. Let me explain. When I was in like 7th grade my mom would always talk to me about how great God was, and all the great things He has done for me. And at that age, I just shrugged it off, and thought, “I’ll become a Christian later.” But I didn’t want to say that to her, because then she would ask why, and she would not like my answer. I remember thinking, “I’ll just wait until I’ve grown up…maybe go to college, get married, or something. Once I’m settled, then I’ll become a Christian.” Looking back at that, I’m disgusted. What in the world was I waiting for? But eventually, my mom figured it out some way or another and she asked me that exact question. A bunch of times! And every time she asked, I had no answer. I was ashamed and guilt always crept up behind me. So, I started asking myself, “Why do I feel guilty about wanting to wait to become a Christian?” So I came to the conclusion that I just wanted to live my life…for me. I didn’t want to be bogged down by a bunch of rules that I had to follow, or sit through sermons that didn’t even make any sense to me at the time. And then, I felt even guiltier than I did before, because I had actually admitted to myself WHY I didn’t want to become a Christian. I let that eat at me for a few years…a few years! I spent so much time wasting my life on...nothing. I could have been doing things for the Lord for those two years, but I was stubborn and did nothing about my guilt. So, eventually I realized me being guilty had to mean something. It meant that I KNEW what Christ had done for me on the cross…I KNEW that He gave his life for me, and yet I still wanted to live for myself. That has got to be the most selfish thing I’ve ever done. So I broke down, repented of my sins, asked to forgive me, and put my complete trust in Him. But the point to all of this is, “Why wait?” Seriously? What are you waiting for? Any reason you give, including the one I had, is not a legit answer. There is nothing that you should be waiting for, nothing.

James 4: 14 – “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”

So, what are you waiting for? You could die tomorrow, and never have the chance to trust Christ as your Savior. Do it NOW, why waste a single minute? After all, our life is just a vapor in the wind, who knows what will happen tomorrow?

Matthew 28: 19 – “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

For those of us that are already Christians, this verse doesn’t say, Go make disciples “when you’re ready,” or “when you feel like it.” It’s a command telling us to do it NOW. So let’s do it!


JA said...

hahaha..... for some odd reason i KNOW that EXACT feeling ;-) anyways....we really don't know what God has in plan for us--in the next give minuets or the next five years.... but we need to be ready to do whatever He calls us to! Great blog, great insight, and great message to pull out of a flip flopping day!

Anonymous said...

Heather, Your blog has a great new look! And this post makes a strong point that people should put off becoming a Christian! I am glad that you have repented of your sin and put your faith in Christ!

Matt said...

Heather, awesome blog! I totally understand. I came to that same conclusion ("I just want to live for me") and almost ended up losing my life that way. It's so sad how we let our own selfishness get in the way of what we know is our calling. Thanks for the reminder of how we need to be living strong for Christ NOW!

Haley Litz said...

Great blog! This is so cool to read and know that God has saved you and is doing a work in your life! Great point, there isn't a legit reason for putting it off... I did pretty much the same as you.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Heather, great post! Thanks for being so open and then showing clearly that we cannot put Christ off till later. We need to choose this day who we will serve! (Joshua 24)

Can't wait for more blogs from you:)