Tuesday, February 06, 2007

One Anothers

This weekend we had our first High School Winter Retreat for Compass. It was an amazing weekend! Bobby taught a series on "One Anothers." It totally impacted my life in a great way. The second lesson he taught on was about confessing our sins to other people, and confronting others with sin in their lives. This one stood out to me the most...because its not somethin I'm usually thinking about. First of all, I am deffinately not very good at confronting people( I know I need to work on that =] ). And second I honestly never really think about confessing my sins to other people...thinking that God is the only one that I need to be confessing to, right? Wrong!...completely...100% wrong! And when Bobby was talking about that this weekend I felt so convicted. The reason being is because if we just confess our sins to God, He WILL forgive us, but we need to be held accountable! If we just ask God to forgive us and move on, theres not really anyone there with us asking us how were doing in our walk with the Lord, or maybe how were doing with a certain problem that we're struggling with. So this really hit home to me. It reminded me that we need to be held accountable for our actions, not just by God, but by others as well. If we tell others of our sin, and ask to pray with them, have them pray for you continutally, meet with them regularly, I truly believe that we will better our walk with the Lord, immensly!

Another thing that I thought was a great reminder, was that everything we do, we do it for the glory of the Lord! Even something as little as homework. Homework! I mean think about that..sometimes I'll be sitting there doing chemistry, and totally not having a fun time, or even giving my full effort, when ALL that we do needs to be done for God! Yes...even chemistry! lol But it made me stop and think about all that I do, whether brushing my teeth, doing homework...or even...picking up the dog terd, needs to be done to the fullest because its for our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen?